Phone: (630) 515-2650
Open: 8 AM - 5 PM

CAD Services

KCI and its supporting companies have trained personnel, equipment, and software platforms necessary to provide a wide range of CAD Services for your next power engineering project

Civil & Structural Engineering

We have many staff personnel who have served the nuclear power and fossil utility industries in Civil / Structural areas, from traditional Engineering & Design capabilities to highly specialized skills

Digital Systems

KCI specializes in converting analog information into digital format to efficiently chronicle all essential parameters in power station operations

Electrical Engineering Services

KCI and its supporting companies offer the full range of Engineering & Design services to meet the most demanding advanced technology projects for    production, transmission, or distribution

Equipment Qualification (EQ & SQ)

KCI offers a full range of Equipment Qualification Engineering Services from its team of specialists; KCI is an industry leader in the EQ field with well-recognized personnel meeting the needs of its clients

EQPM Optimization

KCI offers a full range of Equipment Qualification Engineering Services from its team of specialists; KCI is an industry leader in the EQ field with well-recognized personnel meeting the needs of its clients

Fire Protection Safe Shutdown

KCI has several specialists, engineers, and designers with many decades of experience who have served the utility industry in the areas of Fire Protection, Appendix R, and Safe Shutdown

Instrumentation & Controls

KCI offers a full range of Instrumentation & Controls Services including scope development, conceptual design/evaluation, technical evaluation, and procurement

Mechanical / Nuclear Engrg

KCI and its supporting companies offer a full range of Mechanical / Nuclear Engineering Services from its engineers, specialists, analysts, and support staff

Plant Operations & Safety

Virtually all KCI team members have served the utility industry at Plant Operations & Safety levels, and this experience allows a quick understanding of project requirements for each client